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naked girl naturists on a nude beach

Naked Girl Naturists On A Nude Beach

Western culture
• Functional nudity
Functional nudity for a short time, such as when changing clothes on a beach, is sometimes acceptable, while staying nude on the beach generally is not. However, even this is often avoided or minimized by a towel. On nude beaches it is acceptable to be nude.
In some locations, most particularly within western societies, a woman breastfeeding in public can generate controversy. For example, in June 2007, Brooke Ryan was dining in a booth at the rear of an Applebee's restaurant when she found it necessary to breastfeed her 7-month-old son. While she said she attempted to be discreet, another patron complained to the manager about indecent exposure. Both a waitress and the manager asked her to cover up. She handed him a copy of the Kentucky law that permitted public breastfeeding, but he would not relent. She ended up feeding her son in her car and later organized "nurse-out" protests in front of the restaurant and other public locations. Most U.S. states (40 as of January 2009) have laws clarifying a woman's right to breastfeed in public.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (10 votes):44444
Keywords:#naked #girl #naturists #nude #beach
Filesize:137 KiB
Date added:Jul 25, 2011
Dimensions:800 x 1066 pixels
Displayed:1667 times
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