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young curly black haired girl with a necklace and navel piercing reveals her pink knickers on the bed

Young Curly Black Haired Girl With A Necklace And Navel Piercing Reveals Her Pink Knickers On The Bed

In the 1940s, new styles of women's undergarments became available in the West that possessed a greater sense of sexuality focused on comfort and individuality, versus functionality and conformance to a certain body type; they were glamorized even more by models such as Bettie Page.
Colorful, bright, and flashier fashions of women's lingerie were becoming available. More fabrics such as cotton, satin, lace and silk began to be incorporated into the makeup of women's lingerie, making them more desired by females and more sensual to males. This is perhaps the great turning point when panties became more than simple hygiene products and developed into an icon of pleasure and sexuality worldwide.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #curly #black #haired #girl #necklace #navel #piercing #reveals #her #pink #knickers #bed
Filesize:88 KiB
Date added:Jun 13, 2018
Dimensions:798 x 1099 pixels
Displayed:250 times
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