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blonde russian girl lying on the old couch at home

Blonde Russian Girl Lying On The Old Couch At Home

• Prone: lying on the chest with the face down ("lying down" or "going prone", or "prostration").
• Lying on either side, with the body straight or bent/curled forward or backward. The fetal position is lying or sitting curled, with limbs close to the torso and the head close to the knees.
Lying is the most common position while being immobilized, e.g. in bedrest while sleeping or being struck by injury or disease.

File information
Album name:Babes
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#blonde #russian #girl #lying #old #couch #home
Filesize:65 KiB
Date added:Mar 22, 2011
Dimensions:800 x 571 pixels
Displayed:242 times
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